Modern Veterinary Care


Particular Diseases To Watch For In Your Manx Cat

Manx cats are unique creatures. Without a tail, or with just a stub of a tail, they have a somewhat different look than most other cats. The lack of the tail doesn't really affect them physically, but the breed is prone to some other specific health problems. As your Manx cat ages, it's important to be on the lookout for these issues and contact the vet at the first s

4 Important Services Offered by a Credible Veterinarian

No one wants their beloved pet to get sick, but it's important to have a good veterinarian on hand in case something does happen. A credible vet can provide many services that can help keep your pet healthy and happy. For instance, they can provide routine check-ups and vaccinations, help with behavioral problems, and offer guidance on pet nutrition. Whether you have

Does Your Dog Need An Emergency Vet?

What warrants a trip to the emergency vet—and what doesn't? Your playful pup has a potentially serious injury, isn't acting like themselves, or has obvious symptoms of an illness. Now what? You're not sure if they need emergency vet services or can wait until the next day for an office visit. Take a look at the dos and don'ts to follow after an accident, injury, or&nb

3 Signs of a Bladder Infection in Your Dog

Your dog may encounter issues throughout its lifetime, including getting a bladder infection. You need to watch for issues such as this in your dog, but if you aren't sure of the signs, you may not know that your dog is having these issues. Your dog could be suffering from a bladder infection, and if it goes undetected, it could spread or worsen in your dog and may ev