Pets bring joy, but they also come with responsibilities. You want them to be healthy and happy. Sometimes, unexpected illnesses or injuries happen to your pets outside of regular office hours. In those cases, you need to know if you need 24-hour emergency veterinary care. This blog will discuss what kinds of pet situations require emergency veterinary care.
Breathing Problems
If your pet is having difficulty breathing, then it is an emergency and should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Signs of breathing problems can include rasping, coughing, or panting. Some breathing issues can be associated with life-threatening problems such as heart problems or tumors. With quick medical attention from a veterinarian, your pet can have a better chance of surviving.
Uncontrolled Bleeding or Trauma
If your pet has been involved in an accident or a dog fight, and there is uncontrolled bleeding, then it is an emergency. You need to seek medical attention and have your pet evaluated. Signs of an injury can include pale gums, lethargy, or rapid breathing. The veterinarian will assess the damage and determine the best course of treatment. Some injuries may require surgery, and some may need a blood transfusion.
Ingestion of Toxins
Cats and dogs can be both curious and quick to explore their surroundings. They might swallow harmful substances such as medicine, chocolate, or pesticides. If you witness your pet ingesting a substance you know is toxic, call 24-hour emergency veterinary care immediately. Symptoms of a toxic ingestion can include vomiting, seizures, rapid breathing, or drooling. The veterinarian can advise and guide you through the initial steps of treatment.
Inability to Urinate
If your pet is experiencing difficulty in urinating or not urinating at all, it could indicate a blockage in the urinary tract. This is a medical emergency and may require immediate attention. Pet owners should watch their pet’s behavior and take note of any symptoms such as restlessness, blood in the urine, or continuous licking of the genital area. Treatment of this condition may include surgery, medical management, or catheterization.
Collapse or Unconsciousness
If your pet has collapsed or become unconscious, seek immediate emergency veterinary care. It might be a sign of an underlying issue, such as cardiac or neurological disease. Signs to look for include rapid breathing, low heart rate, or shallow breathing. The veterinarian will perform a physical examination and evaluate the pet’s vital signs. They might require emergency resuscitation if necessary.
A healthy pet brings joy to a family, but pet illnesses and injuries can happen unexpectedly. Knowing what signs to look for and when to take your pet to a 24-hour emergency veterinarian can help avoid major health issues. Getting your pet to emergency care as soon as possible can be the difference between life and death. For more information, contact a 24-hour emergency veterinarian near you.