Modern Veterinary Care

3 Signs of a Bladder Infection in Your Dog

Your dog may encounter issues throughout its lifetime, including getting a bladder infection. You need to watch for issues such as this in your dog, but if you aren't sure of the signs, you may not know that your dog is having these issues. Your dog could be suffering from a bladder infection, and if it goes undetected, it could spread or worsen in your dog and may eventually be deadly for your dog. Read on for some of the signs of a bladder infection in your dog.

1. Attempting to Urinate Often

If your dog is attempting to urinate too often, it could be a sign of a bladder infection. Your dog may be wanting to go out to urinate and isn't expelling anything at all. Your dog may lift its leg or squat often, without any real relief. If your dog is attempting to urinate too often, it could be a bladder infection that you should have treated. Be sure to take your dog out often and allow it the time it needs to get at least some relief. Not giving your dog the time it needs could cause further issues.

2. Accidents in Your Home

If your dog is having accidents in your home and never had this issue before, it could be a bladder infection. Your dog may not be able to hold in its urine like it usually can, and could have several small accidents around your home. Look for signs of blood in the urine spots in your home, as this can also be an indication of a bladder infection.

3. Strong Smelling Urine

Your dog may have a strong scent to its urine. A strong urine odor may be the infection in the body and this is the odor it is giving off. Try getting your dog to drink more water to flush the system of the infection in the meantime.

If you suspect your dog has a bladder infection, you need to take it in for treatment right away. Your dog could be in a lot of pain. Don't allow your dog to suffer any longer and take it into your local animal hospital, or veterinary clinic. Your dog is more than likely going to need medication to treat the infection. Give your dog the time it needs to go outside to relieve itself and give your dog plenty of fresh water to drink to help flush out the infection in the meantime.

For more information, contact an animal hospital such as Angel Pet Hospital.