Modern Veterinary Care


This Is What It Means If Your Cat Has Poop-Shaped Vomit

The dreaded sound of a cat vomiting isn't something that any pet owner wants to hear, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. If you've seen your cat throwing up and are confused to have found something that looks more like a solid piece of poop than vomit, then your cat may have a problem on its paws. Here's what you need to know about this concerning issue. Wh

Reasons To Board Your Pet At A Veterinary Clinic

Did you know that some veterinary hospitals feature boarding services for their clients? This means you can actually have your animal housed overnight or for a few nights at a time at an animal doctor's facility, even if the animal is not actively being treated for something. While most boarding services are reserved for pets that have been operated on or who are too

When A Senior Cat Has Stolen Your Heart: Is It Too Risky To Adopt An Older Feline?

When you're looking to adopt a cat, you have a vast number of choices to make, from going to a shelter or using online classifieds to adopting a big, small, young, old, mixed, or pedigreed animal. For a lot of people, adopting an older cat doesn't seem to make sense, because they expect to somehow be short-changed. Ultimately, this isn't an accurate reflection of real

Is Your Cat's 'Talking' To Its Food Cute Or A Bad Sign?

Having a kitty chattering away while it's eating might seem adorable, but it could be masking a potential problem. If your cat has started to meow or growl while it's eating, it might not be a good sign. Here's what you need to know about your cat's chattiness with its food. Possessiveness Do you have other cats, dogs, or members of the family that the cat doesn't lik

3 Things You Must Do Before Bringing A New Pet Into Your Home

Have you been considering getting a pet cat or dog? Do you want to make sure that you are able to provide the very best care for your new furry friend? Whether or not you think of your new pet as an actual member of your family or you are just hoping for a companion, the better you care for your new pet the happier both of you will be. To that end, there are some thin